
Team Registration And Start Times

The only way to ensure that you will start at the exact same time as your friends is to create a Team. You can create a team during the registration process for your friends to join (or join your friend's team). 

Any racers that are registered as part of the same team on the SAME DAY in the SAME TIME BLOCK, will be moved to a common team start time when start times and bib numbers are assigned (Start times will be posted 10 days prior to the event). Racers that are registered for Sunday will not be moved to Saturday with a team, or vice versa. 

For example, if a team has members registered for BOTH Morning and Afternoon Time Blocks, all Morning Time Block team members will be moved together within the Morning Time Block, and all Afternoon Time Block team members will be grouped together within the Afternoon Time Block. 

PLEASE NOTE: This policy does NOT apply to teams registered for the Age Group Heat. Participants that register for the Age Group category will be assigned a start time based on their AGE GROUP and gender ONLY- regardless of whether that participant is part of a team. Team members are NOT placed together in the Age Group category, unless they are in the same age group range (and gender depending on heat capacity). 

Team start times are NOT determined by the captain's preferred time. Spartan Race does reserve the right to adjust your start time (within the same time block - Morning or Afternoon), despite your "preferred" start times, based on team size and space availability. 

Please Note: Racers who do not begin the race at their assigned Age Group start time risk disqualification

Racers that are registered for Elite, Age Group, or Morning start times will NOT be moved to the Afternoon team time. We assume that racers who have paid extra for these heat times would like to remain in them. Elite, Age Group, and Morning racers will still count as part of your team, but will not be moved out of their registered time blocks. If you are registered for the Elite, Age Group, or Morning Time Block and request to be moved to an Afternoon start time, no refund will be provided for the price difference. Whether or not this request is able to be accommodated is dependent on your desired heat's availability.

Racers that are registered for Afternoon heats will not be moved into teams signed up for Elite, Age Group, or Morning start times, unless they pay the difference in price. This is also dependent on the desired heat's availability.

For a complete explanation of Elite, Age Group, Morning, and Afternoon Time Blocks for our events, please see the following article:  Elite, Age Group, Morning, and Afternoon Time Blocks

Any racer who has already registered but wishes to join a team or change teams must do so at least 21 days prior to the race, to allow time for processing. After your registration is complete, you cannot make team changes within 21 days of race day. 

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